Year 6 - Residential Day 4

Another beautiful, sunny day, but thankfully a little cooler! There were a few sleepy heads at breakfast this morning, but they soon got going with their first activities of the day!  Today was a busy one, filled with Gorge Walking, Archery, Pond Dipping, Team Challenges, Canoeing and Scrambling. Gorge Walking has definitely been a firm favourite this week! Once again, the children were resilient and enthusiastic in everything they did and they loved being in the water again! We’ve had a real bunch of water lovers this year! 

They enjoyed their dinner tonight which was an amazing roast dinner followed by sticky toffee pudding. Finally, we finished the day with fruit punch and a campfire where the children sang and played games. Another fantastically fun, adventure-filled day!


Year 6 Residential - Day 5


Year 6 Residential - Day 3