Year 6 Residential - Day 5

Five days of action-packed activities (thirteen to be precise!), four nights of sharing a room with some of their closest friends, thirteen mealtimes full of laughter and conversation, a whole host of incredible Bryntysilio instructors and staff, five slightly fatigued, but extremely proud Springdale staff and thirty-three ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Year 6 children who have been an absolute pleasure to be with this week in every way! You have joked, laughed, chatted, relaxed, explored, completed challenge after challenge, adventure after adventure and have pushed yourself beyond your personal limits. The centre have commented on what a wonderful group we have been and have said: “It has been our privilege to be part of your family this week and we feel so lucky that you chose us! Your children are wonderful!”

We are so proud of you and everything you have achieved this week and what general all-round wonderful young people you are! We hope you have made memories that you will cherish and will last you a lifetime!

Sleep well tonight and have a lovely weekend!


Year 6 Skill Building


Year 6 - Residential Day 4