School Uniform
The children are expected to wear school uniform and this has a unifying influence and helps to raise the tone of the school. Branded items are preferred for consistency and can be purchased for a small additional cost from our main uniform supplier Lads and Lasses. The price list can be found here
Please ensure that all clothing is marked with your child’s name.
Grey/black school trousers
Grey knee-length skirt or pinafore dress
Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with logo
White or royal blue polo shirt/ White shirt
School tie (clip or elastic) - Optional from Sept 24
Summer dresses blue/white check or striped
Black shoes (not trainers)
Pupils also need a school book/homework bag.
School Uniform
White t-shirt
Royal blue shorts
Black pumps for PE or trainers for outdoor games
Games kit years 3-6 navy blue or black tracksuit for colder weather and trainers
Swimming trunks or costume (Year 4)
PE Uniform
Uniform, sportswear, book packs and pump bags are available from Lads and Lasses on Warstones Road, or from the website