School Uniform

The children are expected to wear school uniform and this has a unifying influence and helps to raise the tone of the school. Branded items are preferred for consistency and can be purchased for a small additional cost from our main uniform supplier Lads and Lasses. The price list can be found here

​Please ensure that all clothing is marked with your child’s name.

  • Grey/black school trousers

  • Grey knee-length skirt or pinafore dress

  • Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with logo

  • White or royal blue polo shirt/ White shirt

  • School tie (clip or elastic) - Optional from Sept 24

  • Summer dresses blue/white check or striped

  • Black shoes (not trainers)

Pupils also need a school book/homework bag. 

School Uniform

  • White t-shirt

  • Royal blue shorts

  • Black pumps for PE or trainers for outdoor games

  • Games kit years 3-6 navy blue or black tracksuit for colder weather and trainers

  • Swimming trunks or costume (Year 4) 

PE Uniform

Uniform, sportswear, book packs and pump bags are available from Lads and Lasses on Warstones Road, or from the website

Uniform Policy