
Make every day count!

Good attendance is important in order for your child to progress in their learning. Missing School is missing out. We will support you to achieve excellent attendance for your child. Springdale Primary School is committed to ensuring all children are given every opportunity to be successful, this can only be achieved when children are actually in school. We use the Department for Education statutory guidance for all matters relating to attendance, read more here.

Pupils must meet the minimum target of 96%. The school’s attendance officer may follow up pupils not meeting the target. 

If your child will be away from school for a genuine reason e.g. Illness/hospital appointments, then contact the School on the first day of absence as early as possible by telephoning 01902 558810 or emailing If it is a pre planned absence please let us know with a written message either through the class teacher or main reception.

If your child has an infection and you would like further guidance as to whether they should attend school, please refer to the A-Z of Managing specific infectious diseases in schools guidance here.

The school uses Health Protection Guidelines for advice on infectious diseases to accurately code absences.

If a child leaves school during session time, for a doctor’s or dental appointment, etc., it is important that the school should be informed in advance wherever possible and evidence of the appointment to be provided. We would always ask that

Leave of absence requests

School term dates are always available from the school office or website.

You should arrange family holidays during school holiday times. The school does not grant leave of absence for family holidays.  

The average whole school attendance at Springdale Primary School must be at least in line with national average of 96%. In order to address this issue, the Governing body use the Local Authority procedures for Leave of Absence.

It is important to note that ALL leave of absence is an absence on your child’s attendance record.

If you need to apply for leave of absence, you must contact the school to complete a leave of absence form, this is reviewed by the Head teacher and may be approved in exceptional circumstances with supporting evidence. The leave of absence request should be completed for all planned absences even where parents think it may not be approved, this is for safeguarding purposes. Page 17 of the DfE Guidance, paragraph 37 - 40 outlines statutory guidance for granting leaves of absence.   

School action if your child is absent.

Call 01902 558810 or email

If you would like more information and support to help improve your child’s attendance, please contact the school office and ask to speak to a member of the attendance team.

We are always happy to help.