Year 6 Enterprise Fair - what a wonderful day!

What an incredible day it was at the Year 6 Enterprise Fair on Wednesday! Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed running their stalls after several weeks of planning, making and organising! They showed amazing enthusiasm, great leadership skills and interacted so well with all of the younger children (and even managed to have some fun of their own on the stalls themselves!) We hope that all children who visited the fair had just as much fun as we did!

Special congratulations are in order for the winners of the various activities:

  • Guess How Many Sweets in the Jar: Archie in Reception and Sienna in Year 6

  • Guess the Name of the Teddy Bear: Joshua in Year 3 for correctly guessing the name of the bear who was called 'Roar'

  • 'Find Gary!' Treasure Hunt: Solomon in Year 4

 …and 24 raffle prize winners too!

Finally, a massive thank you to all of the Springdale parents and carers for your support in the donations given as well as money sent for children to spend! A huge thank you also to the Highfields Sixth Formers who came to support the children! Your help was much appreciated by us all!

We are still in the process of counting the money, so will update on that as soon as the final total is in! All of the money raised will go towards the end of Year 6 Leavers events and will also fund the Enterprise project for the next Year 6 classes in the next academic year.


Year 6 Residential - Day 1


Year 5 Shoot for Success!