Our Early Years Vision

At Springdale Primary we believe that all young children are unique, they have the right to create and lead their own learning pathways. We aim to achieve this through an inspiring environment that ignites curiosity, facilitated by highly skilled adults that nurture, care and educate.


Our Ethos

We believe that children learn best through active engagement with the world around them; and through meaningful and relevant experiences, supported by responsive adults. We aim to give children the broadest opportunities to play and make sense of the world. Self-initiated learning and exploration are key ingredients to having independent children who are motivated to learn. 


Leuven Scales of Well Being and Involvement

The Leuven Scales acknowledge the critical importance of a child’s emotional well-being on the quality and depth of learning. We use the Leuven Scales to indicate a child's level of Well-Being and Involvement at the time of assessment (low, medium or high level). Well-being is defined as ‘the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy’. Involvement is defined as ‘the fact of being involved with or participating in something’. The Leuven Scales support accurate and authentic summative assessment of a child’s knowledge, skills, understanding and learning behaviours.


Characteristics of Effective Learning

The characteristics of effective learning underpin our pupils learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage. The ways in which they engage with others and their environment – playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically – underpin learning and development across all areas and support the children to remain effective and motivated learners. We make judgements about a child's demonstration of the Characteristics of Effective Learning at their particular age and whether or not the learning behaviours defined within these characteristics describes the child.​​​