
Rationale For Our Curriculum

We believe that the implementation of ICT across the whole curriculum will enhance learning experiences for our children which will promote enjoyment, enrichment and develop life skills that will support our children in the 21st Century. Whilst ensuring that we prepare children for the future world, we must also ensure that E-Safety is an essential part of all computing we teach. As E-Safety is an ever changing area where new technology is developing constantly, we understand the need to keep as up to date as we can.


As in other subjects we strive to make sure that our curriculum fits the needs of the children we teach at Springdale and is inclusive to all of our children regardless of age or ability. At Springdale we aim to safeguard and promote the welfare of all members of Springdale Primary School community online. We identify a range of approaches to educate and raise awareness of online safety throughout our community. We will enable all staff to work safely and responsibly, to role model positive behaviour online and to manage professional standards and practice when using technology as part of this clear procedures to follow when responding to online safety concerns. We know that the internet and associated devices, such as computers, tablets, mobile phones and games consoles are an important part of everyday life which present positive and exciting opportunities, as well as challenges and risks. Our intent is to  empower our learners to acquire the knowledge needed to use the internet and technology in a safe, considered and respectful way, and develop their resilience so they can manage and respond to online risks.



Through termly talk topics children are taught about safe use of the internet and other communication technologies and SMART rules are explained and displayed in classrooms. Rules around E-safety are then continually highlighted to children and issues are discussed through scenario based sessions promoting discussion between pupils regarding what the safest and most sensible option would be. Through the use of half termly topics taken from Evolve, we assess where the focus for our teaching needs to be directed from the outcomes of children’s answers to given situations. This allows us to then teach skills or safety issues based on these outcomes. Alongside the use of the Evolve resources, Purple Mash offers a scheme of work to further develop the understanding of E-Safety issues, whilst staff do not follow all of this programme of work , they can be used where staff feel a need for further reinforcement is needed.  

As a school, through the conducting of regular surveys with children and yearly E-Safety risk assessments we will be able to measure our progress via the Evolve 360 benchmark.


The impact of our curriculum programme is to ensure children have an ever increasing understanding of the dangers associated with learning and communicating online. On a regular basis we will carry out surveys with Year groups to see where the need for further education is needed.

As a school, the increasing range of activities that we implement in school will move us further along the Evolve 360 benchmark that we will measure ourselves against.