Design and Technology


Design and Technology is a fulfilling and inspiring, practical and creative subject. At Springdale Primary school children are given opportunities to use their imagination to design and make products to solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and other’s needs, requirements and values. Originality and innovation is promoted, and children are able to work collaboratively to design, produce and evaluate finished products.

At Springdale Primary school, D&T teaching will incorporate six principles:

  • User – who the products are for.

  • Purpose – what is the product designed to do.

  • Functionality – how the product will work.

  • Design decisions – the opportunities children have to make.

  • Innovation – children are given the opportunity to think originally.

  • Authenticity – how believable or real the products are.



All of the unit plans and objectives are derived from the project on a page overview document. Project on a page overview plans are available to all year groups and are found in the DT folder in the shared area. All units are documented on an overview from year 1 to year 6. Staff then use this overview to plan sequences of lessons for each unit. Progression between year groups is discussed by class teachers so that activities are age appropriate and children are suitably challenged. All of this information is set out in the progression of skills document, which shows progression between year groups and key stages. All lesson sequences are uploaded to power point or SMART notebook files that are added to the shared area in school to teach from. Lessons can be taught either as individual weekly lessons or as part of a DT week with planning timetables adapted where appropriate. Outcomes of children’s work are evidenced in the group floor book.


At Springdale Primary school, our children will:

  • Be able to test, critique and evaluate their products and ideas as well as those of others.

  • Understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.

  • Develop a knowledge and appreciation of a range of materials and understand how they have multi-purpose uses.

  • Build and apply a wide range of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make products for a wide range of users.

  • Have a clear enjoyment and confidence in Design and Technology.